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Art Reception Pat Meier-Johnson and Russ Johnson

February 7 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Sonoma Valley Couple Brings Love of Art to the Sonoma Valley Library
In Time for Valentine’s Day in their show, “Here and There Side by Side”

Sonoma’s Pat Meier-Johnson and Russ Johnson will display their art for the
month of February at the Sonoma Valley Public Library. Their show, “Here and
There Side By Side” will feature Pat’s oil and pastel paintings and Russ’
photography of both the Sonoma Valley and the many places they have visited
around the world.
Right from the start, the couple discovered in each other a love for art, which
each of them had pursued in their own style and medium.
Pat, Sonoma’s Treasure Artist of 2022, began her artistic career as a political
cartoonist while still in college and resumed it after she retired from her high tech
public relations business. Her passion is capturing a sense of place, ranging from
joyful crowds at the Sonoma Farmer’s market to a dramatic city skyline in San
Miguel de Allende.
Russ’ career in the tourism industry was defining a sense of place as he traveled
to some sixty countries as a photographer, filmmaker and writer for clients
including American Express, cruise lines, the UN Development Programme, six
countries in Southeast Asia, Nepal and Sonoma County Tourism.
The show will feature subjects ranging from land and city scapes to painting of
Manhattan dog walkers and Russ’ street photography including exotic
mannequins from around the world.
“Painting and photography help us look deeper into the places we visit and the
people we meet, and in a changing world, allow us to find beauty in the everyday.
We hope this show lets visitors to the Sonoma County Library see the world a
little differently and love it more.”



February 7
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Cathy Coleman


Forum Room
755 W Napa St
Sonoma, 95476 United States
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