The next Book Donation Day is Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.

If we have rain, we will cancel the Donation Day. All donations benefit your local library. We accept coffee table books and collectible books and we always need children’s books and LP’s.

  Items we cannot accept (we just discard them)

  • Books that are worn, torn, chewed, underlined/highlighted, moldy, smelly, or water damaged
  • Textbooks, manuals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauruses
  • Travel guides, movie review guides
  • Computer books over 1 year old
  • Cassette and VHS tapes
  • Magazines, Newspapers, and Leaflets
  • Materials such as scratch pads, bookmarks, stationary, blank journals

You can recycle most items in your blue bins, remove hard covers and place in trash bins.

Large, decorative, capital letter M in green.

Our Mission

The Friends of the Sonoma Valley Library is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the presence of the library in the community and supporting its efforts to bring the pleasure of reading, listening, and viewing to our population through traditional media, technological innovations, and diverse programs.

Our Library

The Sonoma Valley Regional Library, located at 755 West Napa Street, serves the communities of Sonoma, Glen Ellen, Agua Caliente, Boyes Hot Springs, and El Verano. The library building is owned by the City of Sonoma, and is leased to Sonoma County which operates all libraries in the County. A local Library Advisory Board provides information and makes recommendations to the County Library Commission and the Library Director on matters affecting library service based on input from the Sonoma Valley service area.

Large, decorative, capital letter L in brownish-yellow.
The Friends of the Sonoma Valley Library is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. EIN# 94-2370298.
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